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NOV 2019
In the frame of DUTCH FILM DAYS VIENNA a project by our Cultural Association NEW:GROUND we will produce and execute SHORTCUTZ INTERNATIONAL AUDIENCE AWARDS
more info will follow asap, follow the link!
Festival selections for Kingdome Lost: Pale Princess
NOV 2018
In the frame of DUTCH FILM DAYS VIENNA 2019 a project by our Cultural Association NEW:GROUND we will produce and execute SHORTCUTZ INTERNATIONAL AUDIENCE AWARDS
AUG 2018
Proudly presenting our new co-production, short film written and directed by talented Neven Rufio.
Kingdom Lost: Pale Princess available now on YouTube for free. Enjoy!
MAY 2018
Reflections Full of Life competing for the best short film in national category
@ In The Palace International Short Film Festival Balchik (BG)
directed by Marieta Petchanska and coproduced by New Ground Productions
APRIL 2018
Reflections Full of Life competing for the best short film
directed by Marieta Petchanska and coproduced by New Ground Productions
Screenings in presence of the Director
MARCH 2018
Reflections Full of Life competing for Jameson Short Film Award
@ Sofia International Film Festival
directed by Marieta Petchanska and coproduced by New Ground Productions
Screenings in presence of the Director, Actors and Crew
14.03.2018 DOM NA KINOTO - 18.30
15.03.2018 DOM NA KINOTO - 16.00
JAN - APR 2018
13-22 April, Vienna, Austra
New Ground Productions is Main Partner of the festival and in charge of Festival Production
NOV 2017
Official Poster Reflections Full of Life
poster by Corrado Podda
SEP 2017
Our short film Reflections Full of Life will premiere at 35th Golden Rose, Bulgarian Feature Film Festival in competition program, taking place in the coastal city of Varna, on 6th October 2017, in presence of the crew and director.
Official trailer for Reflections Full of Life, a short film by Marieta Petchanska, co-production by Kultura Petchanska, Bonin Vision and New Ground Productions.
Meet Me In Venice - Film is -NOW- available on Amazon Video Prime in US, UK, Germany & Japan!
A romantic drama about a daughter and father who never met before and try to become father and daughter in one week.
Amazon Prime Video US:
Amazon Prime Video UK:
Amazon Prime Video DE: (アマゾン):
In Production
IMAGO cinematographers Symposium «INSPIRATION»
Amsterdam - EYE Film Institute Netherland in Amsterdam
Thursday (evening) May 18th – Saturday (evening)May 20th, 2017
An inspirational meeting and exchange of experiences. A 3-day Symposium aimed at professional Cinematographers Please apply online with the following link:
Location: EYE Film Institute, IJpromenade 1, 1031 KT, Amsterdam
IMAGO Master Class Committee Astrid Heubrandtner Verschuur, AAC /Ron Johanson ACS /Herman Verschuur, NSC /Jan Weincke, DFF
Post-production of the latest film by
Marieta Petchanska - Love Hologram (working title)
nG attached as executive producer.
We expect the final version end of February 2017, and festival roll out in coming months!
You will love this short film by Marieta, she keeps creating brave, unique & engaging work in collaboration with some of the most talented film professionals from Bulgaria.
VIENNA, 21 - 27 MARCH 2017
nG attached as Festival Production Executive
Forgive @ In The Palace International Short Film Festival
Mon, 05-12-2016 - DAY 5 - SECOND SESSION, 19:00 - 20:30
IT'S A WRAP: Kulturverein NEW:GROUND presented DUTCH FILM DAYS VIENNA 05-07 Oct. 2016, in cooperation with Cineplexx GmbH & Aparthotel Adagio and supported by Royal Netherlands Embassy. Event production by New Ground Productions Vienna.
Eine der seltenen Filmvorführungen von
Donnerstag, 21. Juli um 19:00
Nächste Woche · 18-30° Vorwiegend sonnig
MUSA - Museum, Startgalerie, Artothek
Felderstraße 6-8, 1010 Wien
Ein (Kurz-)Film von Richard Schuberth
MEHMET EMIRS Fotoausstellung "Viele Jahre"
Festival screening of
Meet me in Venice/Venedik'te Buluşma
25.06.2016 - 13.00h @Alanya Cultural Center
Alanya "Crystal Castle" International Filmfestival 2016
June 2016, pre-production of DUTCH FILM DAYS VIENNA has started
26 May 2016
Voodoo Jürgens - Heite grob ma Tote aus (official Video)
Night of museums Varna
20:30 pm
Faith, 2011, 13 min. by Marieta Pechanska
Forgive, 2015, 13 min. by Marieta Pechanska
Sea Garden, Summer movies "In the Dark"
Pre-Production for the shoot of music video clip for Voodoo Jürgens has started. Principal photography is set for 14 & 15 May in Vienna with oficiall online release on 26th of May 2016.
We are very happy to team up with director Florian Senekowitsch, DP Alex Haspel and producer Julia Zisser on behalf of LiaArts.
21-25 April 2016
Meet me in Venice on Flying Dutch, Ukraine, film week of the recent film works from the Netherlands, w/ actors Roberta Petzoldt & Beppe Costa and director Eddy Terstall. Dutch films travelling through the Ukraine.
From the Flying Dutch to the absurd Warmerdam Dutch Film Week in five Ukrainian cities.
for more info on: Molodist
The Birth of the “Belle Viennese” by Susanne Bisovsky took place on Sept. 4th 2015 at the Hotel am Brillantengrund in Vienna´s VII. district.
Film/Video: cam/Julia Zisser & cut/Marieta Petchanska for New Ground Productions, Produced by Denis Mujoviċ
behind the scene clip with music performances is coming soon w/ Fatima Spar, Maria Moling, Celina Ann, Regina Schörg, and the Balkan-Vulcano Zoran Madzirov, Producer/Show: Emme de la Emme
more on the offical website of Susanne Bisovsky
more on the video production details on New Ground Projects
wienerchic-brillantengrund from Emme de la Emme on Vimeo.
Proudly presenting our music clip, shot live for Thirsty Eyes
Acre of Bacon - Records
directed/edited by Julia Zisser, based on idea by Florian Senekowitsch & Julia Zisser,
on camera Stefan Sietzen, Denis Mujoviċ, and Julia Zisser.
Mittwoch, 27. April 19.30 Uhr The Story of Nasreddin Filmvorführungen von „Die wundersamen Abenteuer des Nasreddin Kürtler“ (2015) „Sprachoperation 08/15“ (ORF, 2002) „Nasreddin, die Niere“ (Kabarettauftritt, 1989) Musik: Mehmet Emir (Saz, Ney) Aktionsradius Wien Gaußplatz 11 1200 Wien
Samstag, 26. März 20 Uhr „Die wundersamen Abenteuer des Nasreddin Kürtler“ Filmvorführung & Lesung aus dem Drehbuch Musik: Mehmet Emir (Saz, Ney) Danach: DJ-Line mit Don Ricardo (aka Richard Schuberth) KunstSozialRaum Brunnenpassage Brunnengasse 71/Yppenplatz 1160 Wien
25 Feb. ab 20 Uhr @Schikaneder Kino
Auf allgemeinen Publikumswunsch wiederholen
wir die Vorstellung unseres Kurzfilms
Richard Schuberth - A 2015, 17 min, dt.OV + Q&A
"Er kam, sah und ... wurde abgeschoben ..."
Folgen Sie unserem Antihelden, dem kurdischen Wirtschaftsflüchtling Nasreddin, wie er die Wünsche von Ausländerfreunden und -hassern simultan befriedigt.
Mehmet Emir ist Nasreddin Kürtler!
Regie: Richard Schuberth
Out of Focus w/ Thirsty Eyes «VIDEO CLIP» nG, 2016
Rave Up Records Store, Pre-Release Show 28.1.16
you can download the mp3 for free!! and/or buy the vinyl 7" at Bandcamp
Thirsty Eyes @ Facebook
28 Jan '16 Thirsty Eyes concert registration, Rhiz Vienna 7" Release (video shoot)
Feb. '16 Wiener Chic fashon show by Susanne Bisovsky video production (online release)
April '16 Fatima Spar & Jazzorchester Vorarlberg LIVE video production (DVD)
16 Dec. ab 20 Uhr @Schikaneder Kino
"Er kam, sah und ... wurde abgeschoben ..."
Als Trailer & Appetizer, als Versuchsanordnung, als Vorhut, als ersten Windstoß einer stürmischen Komödie, die da folgen wird, einer subversiven Tour de Force durch den »Zu-, Ab- und Einwanderer-Diskurs«. Folgen Sie unserem Antihelden, dem kurdischen Wirtschaftsflüchtling Nasreddin, wie er die Wünsche von Ausländerfreunden und -hassern simultan befriedigt. Denn nur er kann das! Sex & Crime & Baklava. Maschallah! danach DJ-Line mit DON RICARDO und BALKANEZZ
SHORT FILM PITCHING IN THE PALACE Filmer Forge Pitching 9-12 December 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria
Key shoot 4-6 Oct. pilot for The woundrous strange adventures of NASREDDIN KÜRTLER feature film by R. Schuberth
MEET ME IN VENICE @ FilmFestival Cottbus
06.11.2015 | 18.30 | Glad-House Saal
Oct. 3, 2015 WOODSTOCK – Woodstock Film Festival’s Maverick Awards Ceremony handed out 16 awards Saturday, as the 16th annual edition of the festival headed for its wrap Sunday. Here are the winners:
World Cinema Award for best feature film & best performance by an actress in a leading role: Meet Me in Venice / RailMovie & Roberta Petzoldt
MEET ME IN VENICE @ Nederlands Film Festival
Utrecht screenings during the festival week:
Rembrandt 3 do 24 sep 2015 / 21:30
Rembrandt 3 di 29 sep 2015 / 16:30
Theatrical release the Netherlands Meet Me in Venice / RailMovie July 2nd, 2015
NOW IN CINEMAS: Meet Me In Venice - Film, the atmospheric drama Eddy Terstall, director with the Golden Calf award winning 'Simon'.
First Reviews ****
De Volkskrant: "Terstall understands the art of making an atmosphere in a single sentence"
Algemeen Dagblad: "" Meet Me in Venice is successful as a travel guide Terstall makes ode to his leading lady.. "
De Telegraaf: "Meet Me in Venice does not lapse into false sentimentality, but feels honest and human."
Bulgarian Premiere of our short film FORGIVE at 33th "Golden Rose" Festival in Varna, Bulgaria, 7th Oct. 2015
International Premiere at LET'S CEE Film Festival in Vienna, Austria, 8th Oct. 2015
FORGIVE Short Film Corner
Cannes 14-23 May 2015
upcoming festivals will be ASAP announced
"Forgive" is a poetic short story of a broken dream.
When you cannot change the past - the only remedy is forgiveness.
SAVE THE DATE, 4th edition LET'S CEE Film Festival
01-11 October 2015, Vienna (AT)
The fourth edition of the LET’S CEE Film Festival, 1-11 October 2015 in Vienna, will present a selection of about 100 outstanding feature films, documentaries and short films from Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region and Turkey in the respective original versions with English or German subtitles.
The extensive event programme will feature freely accessible lectures as well as exclusive events and top-class film workshops, accompanied by concerts and attractive series of parties.
As in the previous years 2012-2014, there will be numerous filmmakers from Austria and abroad visiting the festival this year as well.
FATIMA SPAR & JOV premiere & release tour DVD end of 2015
Available as CD, Special Deluxe Edition (180g Vinyl + CD), Digital Download
"Listening to Fatima Spar's unique voice with the Jazzorchester Vorarlberg is like hearing her again for the first time."
New Ground Productions is one-stop company for production and financial services in audio-visual industry
Winner of 8 national and international prizes
Profile: Creative production company for film, music, theatre and cultural events
Production services: Development, Budgeting, Raising Funds, Project & Production Management, Line Production. Post Production Supervison
We also offer full array of services for your productions in the Netherlands, Austria, Balkan Penisinsula & Turkey by gathering multi-lingual, highly-qualified crew and give you most affordable production service: production consultation, shooting authorizations, crew management, location scouting, equipment rental, casting, accommodation & transportation solutions
Financial services: Financial Administration, Accounting, Tax Declarations, Monitoring Cash Flow, Monitoring Production Budget, Preparing Financial Statements, Reporting to Funders
Most notable film/TV projects are with Dutch director Mijke de Jong and her feature film Joy winner of 3 national prizes at Netherlands Film Festival & special mentions at Seville European Festival in 2010, and Dragan Bakema, actor/producer for TV series Boijmans TV winner of prestigious Museumprijs 2010.
Broad experience in festival production for amongst others Eastern Neighbours Film Festival co-founded in 2006, Utrecht, the Netherlands. LET'S CEE Film Festival Vienna, Austria, DUTCH FILM DAYS Vienna, Austria
Latest project Meet Me in Venice a feature film by Eddy Terstall, a voyage along the route of the Orient Express, a trip from Venice to Istanbul, winner of World Cinema Awards for best feature film and best lead actress at Woodstock Film Festival. Our short film Forgive by Marieta Petchanska, was presented at Cannes Short Film Corner 2015 and was programmed for Golden Rose Film Festival, Varna and LET'S CEE Film Festival in Vienna in 2015.
Born in Priština, grew up in Sarajevo and is of Dutch nationality. Studied business administration, photography and video as well as film production in Groningen, Utrecht and Amsterdam. Founder and former director of Eastern Neighbours Film Festival in the Netherlands. Attached in casting department of the feature film Joy, which won the award of the best Dutch film of 2010 at the Netherlands Film Festival, and in the TV series Bojimans TV, as production manager, awarded with Museumprijs in 2010. In 2014 worked as line producer for the feature film Meet me in Venice from Eddy Terstall and Erik Wunsch and further as producer on few short films, music clips and just recently in 2016 introduced new event Dutch Film Days Vienna. Co-founder of the production company New Ground Productions, Vienna.
producer / line producer / production manager
more info about our Vienna based company
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