6 Nov 2008
Opnening Reception Eastern Neighbours Film Festival
Louis Hartlooper Complex, Das Kabinett
Entry free, you do have to be invited for this event!
8 Nov 2008
Focus Macedonia
Louis Hartlooper Complex, Das Kabinett
Entry free
Cocktail organized by Public Room, Ministry of Culture of Macedonia and Macedonian Film Funds
With the presence of: Mr. Aleksandar Velinovski - Public Room, Jovanka Gorgevska - Miinstry of Culture, Boris Josifovski - Ministry of Culture, Jana Stanisavljeva - Film Fund Macedonia
8 Nov 2008
Black Wave Films with Mr. Vanja Valtrovic
Louis Hartlooper Complex, Das Kabinett
Entry Free, max capacity 45 persons
This event is preceeded by the screening of 'Censored without Censorship', Serbia, 50 min, by D. Tucakovic and M. Nikodijevic
More about this documentary in our program segment on the website
9 Nov 2008
Debate: Everything you wanted to know about Albania
Louis Hartlooper Complex, Das Kabinett
Entry Free, max capacity 45 persons
Organizers: Idlir Peçi/Stichting FAN
Moderator: Friso Wiersum
- HE Roland Bimo (Ambassador of Albania in the Netherlands)
- Albana Shala (Press Now)
- Idlir Peçi (Utrecht University)
The debate will be organized along three main lines. It will firstly touch the communist era in Albania and especially the great isolation that the country went through in this period. In order to illustrate the debate sequences from the movie “Divorce Albanian Style” will be shown. This will give the participants and the public a concrete example of the cruel consequences of the isolation. Secondly, the debate will touch human rights issues during communism and the Albania of now. Thirdly, the opening of Albania after the fall of communism will also be discussed. In this context special attention will be paid to the role of the media in the opening process of Albania. It goes without saying that the public will have the opportunity to ask questions about Albania, hence everything you wanted to know about Albania.
9 Nov 2008
Closing Cocktail Eastern Neighbours Film Festival
Louis Hartlooper Complex, Das Kabinett
Entry Free, max capacity 45 persons